Author: Kyle Schurman

    Having a tech background as a writer makes me the go-to source when family members' devices don't work. Fortunately, I'm more skilled at helping solve readers' problems through writing than trying to fix my parents' printer over the phone.

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    Check out my most recent posts:

  • keep open wine fresh
    Keep an Open Bottle of Wine Fresh With These Money-Saving Tips

    As spring morphs into summer, few things feel as good after a long day as enjoying some wine on the deck. Although the wine tastes great and you could drink the whole bottle, you know you shouldn’t. Have a...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • how to change a shower head
    Saving Money With DIY: How to Change a Shower Head

    If you’ve put off replacing an old, leaky shower head at your house, you’ll be surprised how quickly this job can be completed. Replacing a shower head is one of the easiest ways to save money with...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • how to prepare an AC for summer
    Saving Money with DIY: How to Prep an AC Unit for Summer

    One of the best ways to save money around your home is to perform some types of repairs and maintenance yourself. But some types of work are easier to do yourself than others. In this edition, we’ll help...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • how to install a smart thermostat
    Saving Money With DIY: How to Install a Smart Thermostat

    If you’re interested in installing a smart thermostat in your home, congratulations! This is a great way to control your home’s heating and cooling more efficiently, saving you some money over the long run. (And you’ll save even...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • best cheap Super Bowl food
    Best Ways to Save Money on a Super Bowl Party

    The Super Bowl checks off a lot of the boxes regarding American-type celebrations. An overabundance of food. Fast-paced concerts. Ads featuring babies and dogs. Perhaps a little bit of beer. And, of course, football. So if you’re...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • best skylight LED lighting ideas
    7 Best LED Lighting Ideas for Your Home on the Cheap

    It wasn’t that long ago that decorating with lighting occurred during holiday times only. And after several hours of fixing burned out light strings and cussing and untangling light strings and cussing some more, you hopefully had a...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • tax-deductions
    It’s Tax Time Again! 7 Commonly Overlooked Tax Deductions

    We’ve reached the time of the year where we all have the same thought: Please, please, please don’t let me pay too much on my income taxes! Another thing on which all Americans can agree: We like...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • inexpensive must have safety gear
    5 Inexpensive Must Have Safety Gear Products for Your Home

    It’s easy to fall into a false sense of security in today’s world. It’s easy to think that the electrical power will always stay on or you’ll never have a fire. But we all know any type...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • weirdest foods you can eat
    10 Weird Things You Can Eat from Amazon for Less Than $20

    People love eating weird things, especially if someone else is watching. The various social media eating challenges provide plenty of proof of this concept. If you want to eat something weird as a social media challenge —...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • how to replace lawn mower battery
    Save Money With DIY: How to Replace an Outdoor Power Vehicle Battery

    All vehicle batteries eventually fail, unable to hold a charge over time. If you own a riding lawn mower, a golf cart, or an ATV and the battery is several years old, it’s probably time to learn...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • sell gift cards for cash
    Still Carrying Holiday Gift Cards? Here’s How to Sell Your Gift Cards for Cash

    Think back to the holiday season. (We know, it’s tough to remember what happened four days ago, let alone four-plus months ago, but just try.) You probably were thankful for receiving many excellent gifts, perhaps including some gift cards....

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • best chain burgers
    8 Best Chain Burgers for Less Than $8

    When looking to eat out on a budget, it can be tough. Finding a meal that tastes good but doesn’t cost too much can drive you to things like chicken nuggets. That’s just sad. Instead, go with another...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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