• how to prepare an AC for summer
    Saving Money with DIY: How to Prep an AC Unit for Summer

    One of the best ways to save money around your home is to perform some types of repairs and maintenance yourself. But some types of work are easier to do yourself than others. In this edition, we’ll help...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • how to install a smart thermostat
    Saving Money With DIY: How to Install a Smart Thermostat

    If you’re interested in installing a smart thermostat in your home, congratulations! This is a great way to control your home’s heating and cooling more efficiently, saving you some money over the long run. (And you’ll save even...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • best skylight LED lighting ideas
    7 Best LED Lighting Ideas for Your Home on the Cheap

    It wasn’t that long ago that decorating with lighting occurred during holiday times only. And after several hours of fixing burned out light strings and cussing and untangling light strings and cussing some more, you hopefully had a...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • crazy-bike
    10 Ways to Pimp your (Bike) Ride

    We can’t all afford to buy a brand new bike every summer, and most of us probably aren’t as skilled as the guy who made this awesome party bike (he’s from Portland — shocking!). But that doesn’t...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • how to replace an outlet cover
    Saving Money With DIY: How to Replace an Outdoor Outlet Cover

    Over time, outdoor outlets may start to become unsafe. Spiders may build webs inside them. Water can leak inside the outlet, causing serious problems. That’s why exterior outlets need to have a cover attached to them that...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • mustaches on cupcakes
    As Seen on the Internets: Most Ridiculous DIY Pinterest Ideas

    I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest. (Don’t know what I’m talking about? Ask your girlfriend/wife/female friend; she’ll fill you in). On the one hand, Pinterest has some pretty decent recipes and gift ideas. On the other, it...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • homebrew_turkeycooker
    Six Essential Items Needed to Start Homebrewing

    Drinking craft beer: awesome. Paying $10+ for a 6-pack: not so cool. You might associate homebrewing with hipsters, or assume anything that ferments in someone’s basement can’t possibly taste any good, but brewing your own beer can...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Building-computer
    Layman’s Guide for Building Your Own Computer – Part 1: Intro, Processor, and Motherboard

    A very special shout-out to /r buildapc on Reddit for all of their help and input on this guide. If you’re seriously considering building your own computer, send your questions their way. Really knowledgeable people. Why Build...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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