Part-Time Jobs for Superheroes
By Matt Ellis on December 13, 2013
Everyone familiar with Spider-Man and his lovable, angst-ridden whining, knows crime doesn’t pay. But guess what? Crime-fighting doesn’t pay the bills either. Peter Parker was a photographer. Clark Kent was a journalist. Even Bruce Wayne was a full-time male heiress! (We know the term is “heir,” we’re just being cheeky.)
Just when it seems Thor, son of Odin, isn’t going to make ends meet in time to pay the landlord, Malaysian artist Chow Hon Lam drew this set of Superheroes with Part-Time Jobs. Finally, all those superpowers don’t have to be wasted on warding off evil and protecting the innocent!
Ashraf khan
January 19, 2014 at 3:22 am
January 14, 2014 at 12:56 pm
Seems almost lazy that they all have huge noggins but no facial features. Also, Iron Man wouldn’t need to work part-time either since he’s super freaking rich. Just sayin’.