$19 $26
Sears has the Craftsman 1/4" Thin Profile Ratchet (44994) for $19 with free in-store pickup or $6 shipping to home. Measures approximately 5.5" and has a one-touch reversing lever and quick-release button.
$19 retail: $26

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Ben's cred: 68
Posted 09/26/2016 at 12:19 PM PT
Posted 09/26/2016 at 12:19 PM PT
These up-level ratchets used to be one of the last made-in-USA Craftsman tools. Sadly, they're now made-in-China, too, just like all other Craftsman tools. Pricey, but if you want one (even the made-in-China ****), better get it now since Sears will be gone by this time next year.

It breaks my heart to know that Craftsman tools have sunk to the level of now being no better than tools at Lowes, Home Depot, or (gasp) even
Ben's cred: 5864
Posted 09/26/2016 at 03:22 PM PT
Posted 09/26/2016 at 03:22 PM PT
^ False. Not all Craftsman tools are made in China.

Second, your doom prediction of Sears demise has been suggested for years yet they are still around.

Third, products made in China have gotten much better in quality over the past few decades. It used to be that only junk was imported to the US but that's not true today. Yes much of it is junk, but not so much the stuff that major companies have outsourced manufacturing on.

I love the idea of buying made in USA tools, but often the cost is at least double if not 3 to 4X as much. Apparently a lot of people feel the same way because they only focus on the standard tools, not the Pro/Industrial lines which are made here same as they always were, but of course more expensive.

... tools produced for Craftsman by Western Forge such as adjustable wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers and larger mechanic tool sets remain made in the United States. Sears still has an Industrial line which is sold through various authorized distributors and these tools are US made.

They appear identical to their previous non-industrial US made counterparts, save for the "Industrial" name stamped on them. They are manufactured by Apex on the US production lines that made the previous US made product before production switched overseas to Asia.

Here's one place to buy the standard 1/4" industrial made in US model: