$35 $59
Shell Shocker! Today only. Newegg has the Cougar Deathfire EX Gaming Keyboard & 2000 DPI Mouse Combo for $35 with free shipping. Has  8 backlight effects, 8 backlight colors, and anti-ghosting technology.
$35 retail: $59

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Ben's cred: -539
Posted 10/16/2017 at 04:50 AM PT
Posted 10/16/2017 at 04:50 AM PT
this looks like it could be an OK deal! a fewer things you need to understand.

many of these LED keyboards are designed such that the letters, numbers and symbols are visible only when lit, and sometimes only when lit with lighter colors. if you look at pictures of the keys when not lit, you'll see what I mean.

the keys are not really mechanical in the proper sense. fully mechanical (meaning reliable over a long haul) is much more expensive. period.

LEDs on less expensive keyboards can be tempermental, failing after shorter periods of time.

not all discount LED boards shine all colors for every key. some boards assign one and only one color to a key... be aware.

cheaper boards may not allow you to remove individual key caps for easy cleaning of the press mechanism. this is more important than you may realize especially if your one who drips junk on your board during intense gaming sessions.

I almost pulled the trigger on one of these kinds of cheaper boards before realizing this stuff (which I learned after reading lots of descriptions, reviews and examining many pictures). in the end I ended up scoring a deal on a slightly used Corsair Strafe RGB keyboard for $75 bux. thing was in great condition and needed only some cleaning under several keys which were sticking. you will not be sorry if you wait/Dave and get a higher quality board. on the other hand, for younger kids who just want something cool to beat up, this bargain may be the cure!