Comments & Reviews (5)

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Ben's cred: 19
Posted 05/03/2017 at 06:17 AM PT
Posted 05/03/2017 at 06:17 AM PT
Doesn't matter every time I order something from them they contact me back saying it is out of stock. Even been to the stores a couple of times to pick something up and they didn't have it after I ordered it online for pickup.
Ben's cred: 478
Posted 05/05/2017 at 04:59 AM PT
Posted 05/05/2017 at 04:59 AM PT
Yeah, inventory system sorta sucks. Saw an incredible deal, about a month ago, for 8-foot cedar 2x4's, for only $2.55 each. Said they had 81 in stock, for purchase. Since I was going there for something else anyways, figured I'd check them out (great for making above ground grow boxes).

Got there, looked through the entire lumber section...and while they had cedar 2x4's, they were all 12-footers, or longer. Finally asked an associate about it. He looked it up on the computer, sure enough, it showed 81 in stock. But not on the shelf. So he went out back to look, and said there was a whole bundle of them, how many did I want? Told him 12, and he jumped on the forklift, to get the bundle down from the high storage they had them stashed in...

...and came back, 5 minutes later, looking really disappointed, and apologizing. Seems they were slated to go back to the supplier, and some genius had put the notice for that on TOP of the bundle, then stuck the bundle up high on the rack. Where no one could see it, let along read it!

I told him not to worry about it, as that would have been too good of a deal to be true, anyways. Bought the other stuff I'd come there for, then made sure, when I got home, to take the survey on the Lowes website...where I praised the employee for going above and beyond what I would have considered was necessary, and slammed Lowes, for that sort of BS (showing them in stock for sale, when they should have been removed from the inventory).

When they screw up like that, make sure a company knows!
Ben's cred: 13
Posted 05/05/2017 at 06:36 AM PT
Posted 05/05/2017 at 06:36 AM PT
ordered 162 bags of 80 Lbs. cement called ahead to ensure they had them in stock. Rented a truck paid $86.43 for the truck rental and $134 to rent a cement mixer for two days. Showed up ready to Hill location in Dallas. The young man at the register and front loading tells me they are out of stock ! He sends me to the Lowes.on
Hampton and I20. also in Dallas. I go to pick them up and get the worse treatment from their assistant manager I have ever received as a customer. When I write what I think is corporate I get a response from the assistant manager advising me he really is not worried about consumers writing corporate and stands by his decision to not sell me the cement at the price I was promised (and have in writing ) the original store finally concedes to sell it and have it in stock but after this ordeal never again am I shopping at Lowers.
Ben's cred: 7
Posted 05/10/2017 at 10:31 AM PT
Posted 05/10/2017 at 10:31 AM PT
BEWARE! There is warning out now about phony coupons for several major chains.

Google this: "Warning About Mother's Day Facebook Coupon Scams"

Call the store before you try to use the coupon online. It is a phishing scam that wants your personal and financial information only. Once they have that, the conversation or connection ends immediately.
Ben's cred: 5862
Posted 05/10/2017 at 03:14 PM PT
Posted 05/10/2017 at 03:14 PM PT
^ Same news different day, there have been phony coupons on Facebook and elsewhere for a long time. However this deal doesn't involve one of them.

There is no need to call the store, if you have a coupon code you can just enter it on the website, either it works or it doesn't.

Just don't get sucked into some scheme where you have to give out personal info or provide facebook permissions in order to get it, though sometimes legit coupons do involve facebook permissions which you can just reverse or cancel after getting the coupon.